$BTC 56,200 Pay attention to details..

In my previous post, I reported that we will drop to 61,200.

Please! Please! Please! Keep this in mind that we are all waiting for confirmation, and you know what? I'm tired of posting again and again because the market is playing with us.

The fundamentals and technical data are just showing that we are just in a prolonged bear market.

The market will terribly upset us all.

It has never been so difficult to study market structure.

Anyway, we know this happens in cryptography.

Going further!

63,500 is the confirmation of 67,800 and at the same time 60,800 is the confirmation of 56,200.

Let's talk about today, if we can hold above 61,950 for 45 minutes then surely we can reach 62,700 or so and on this pump ALT coins will not work guys. We need 63,500 to see a rally in ALT coins.

The CPI data has to arrive today, if this time we are below 60,100 it will be a sad day for many of us.

The market is not limited to the range!!!

It's stealing money from people's wallets; In other words, this is the extremely unstable market in which we operate.

Trade safely!

In hopes of getting back below 56K or above 67k we would at least have a Zone/Range linked for day trading.