#美国4月CPI通胀数据即将公布 #Meme币你看好哪一个? #5月市场关键事件

If you always lose money when trading cryptocurrencies, you need to remember these trading tips:

1. Buy horizontally and buy pits instead of vertically, the selling point is at the boiling point;

2. Continuous small increases are real increases, and continuous large increases require exiting the market;

3. After a sharp rise, you must step back, and don’t dig a deep pit or buy too much;

4. The main rise must reach its peak, and you should sell quickly when it falls and sell slowly when it rises;

5. A sharp drop without volume is a threat, and a slow drop with large volume is a threat. Withdraw quickly;

Sixth, if the price breaks through the lifeline, do not hesitate to do the swing;

Seventh, look carefully at the daily and monthly lines, and follow the main force to build the position;

Eighth, if the price of the currency rises without volume, the main force will lure more, don't stand guard;

If you don't know how to enter the market next, you can read my introduction. Congge's bull market strategy layout is shared for free, and the skirt will share strategies from time to time. Read my introduction to enter Junyang for free