$TRB $ENA #美国4月CPI通胀数据即将公布

There are four obvious signals for buying at the bottom or fleeing at the top in the currency circle:

First, if the price of the currency drops slightly during the rise, but the trading volume does not change, it is likely to continue to rise. If the price hits a new high, but the trading volume decreases. It is a shrinking rise, which may be a peak signal!

Second, if the price of the currency is flat at the bottom, don't rush to buy. Wait for it to fall to a new low, then rebound quickly and cover the previous drop. That is a good time to buy.

Third, if a currency has been sideways at the bottom for a long time, and then it suddenly rises for a few days, breaking through the previous sideways range, and then falls back, or even falls below the sideways range, then when it starts again, there may be a larger wave of gains.

Fourth, if a currency starts to go sideways after hitting a new high, and then rises slightly several times, but also falls back several times, it may be a signal of inducing more, and you should pay attention to the risk of chasing highs.

When operating, place orders as much as possible and set stop loss and take profit points to prevent the risk of being trapped! !

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