A few days ago I saw a point of view on the Internet, he said this:

There are three things I won’t do with this child:

I will not give birth to children who will take the college entrance examination in the future. This is a kind thing.

I will not have children who will not inherit property in the future. This is a kind of love.

I don’t want to have children who will have to work 996 in the future. This is a kind of pity.

Later I thought about the number of people in this land who met these views, and I found that there were probably less than 5%.

To put it bluntly, these three points are only true for children from wealthy families. It is difficult for anyone who is not rich, even if they are middle class, to do so.

However, if people only look at the surface and not the essence, they will appear very stupid.

I think the essence of this passage on the Internet is: I want my children to live a rich and happy life.

A rich and happy life is what most people today do not have, but it is also what most people yearn for.

These three points correspond to when you were a child, when you were young, and when you were old.

I see many parents pushing their children like crazy, enrolling them in various training classes, having them do homework until eleven or twelve o'clock every day, and learning music, chess, calligraphy, and painting...

In fact, what if you learn it?

Some people may say that this is art, and art can bring joy to the soul.

In my opinion, it is better to let children spend their only once-in-a-lifetime childhood happily.

If you really want to teach something, teach how to make money and strong thinking!

The pleasure brought by making money must be the best and nothing can compare to it.

If your child only knows how to play the piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and when he grows up he still has to go to work and punch a clock in, with little money left in his pocket, then what's the point of learning all that? It will also make your child feel like he has no childhood.

You didn't let your child practice the piano like Lang Lang did since childhood, and you don't have the same goals as his family. You are not rich yourself, but you still grit your teeth to do some tiring work.

What’s more, after learning these “external habits” for so long, I suddenly entered high school and had to take the college entrance examination. So I had to give up my original studies and focus on preparing for the college entrance examination. As a result, I was exhausted for another 3 years.

I finally got into university and found a job after graduation, still working 996.

Actually, regarding 996, I have experienced it when I was working before, and I know that feeling.

To put it bluntly, 996 means squeezing your time, energy, and life to the extreme.

There are a lot of 996 jobs in Shanghai, but many people are still rushing to do them.

Life is inherently free, but many people want to go against their own nature, actively enter a cage and then close the door of the cage.

Why are there so many depressed, unhappy and negative people in the market?

How can you be happy when you are in a cage for so long?

As a result, complaining about this and that makes outsiders seem extremely stupid.

Many people would refute me and say that it’s all for money, otherwise who would want to do this?

Then in fact you are still a slave to money.

I have said before that on the road to making money, all roads lead to Rome, but you insist on choosing 996, insist on choosing such an inhuman route.

Then you are unhappy and you are wasting your time, you deserve it, you shouldn't open your mouth, it's your fault if you open your mouth.

You should just bear it silently. Anyway, suffering will always come to those who are willing to endure it.

Just "sublimate" yourself in this cage of suffering.

This also includes other jobs. In essence, you have chosen the path of working.

Then don't complain that others treat you badly, don't complain that others take advantage of you, don't complain that you make too little money, don't complain that there are a lot of bad things, otherwise no one will respect you and you will be a fool.

If you really want to change, just shut up and set yourself a clear goal. If you don't have help from your family or outsiders, then think about it and find the answer immediately: how to get rid of being an employee, earn money independently, and make your life freer and more relaxed.

Then act at light speed.

Life has both meaning and no meaning.

The meaningless thing is that no matter what, you will be buried in the ground after a few decades, and you can't take anything with you.

The meaningful thing is that you can live this short life freely, selfishly and happily, and have no regrets before you die.

This world is shrouded by a huge system that ordinary people cannot contend with.

And if you can "jump out of the Three Realms and not be within the Five Elements", live according to your own ideas, not care about the world's judgment, not care about the world's concepts and beliefs, then I believe you have surpassed 98% of people.

What does this mean? Here are a few simple examples:

For example, people always say that you must buy a house and a car, get married and have children.

Then you can think about: Do I really want this way of life? Or I want this way of life, but I don’t want one of them, so I should abandon the one I don’t want.

I don’t want to get married, so I won’t get married; I want to get married, but I don’t want children, so I won’t; I want to get married, but I don’t want to buy a house, so I won’t buy one…

For example, people always say that you should study hard and find a good job after graduation.

Then you can think about: Do you want to work hard for others after graduation? If not, how can you make money independently? If there is really no other way, then give yourself a time limit. After working for a few years, when you are ready, you must go out and start a company...

Just live your life the way you want.

Treat life with an attitude of "it doesn't matter" to everything, but treat things with utmost seriousness.

Of course, I am not asking everyone to just lie down and do nothing, and this does not conflict with what I said about making money by any means necessary.

Because only with money can you enjoy better things, isn't it the purpose of human beings to experience and enjoy beautiful things?

And the pleasure of making money is unmatched by anything else.

Also, when you get older, you will find that many desires will gradually fade away.

You will gradually lose interest in beauty, hobbies, various scenic views, various delicacies and so on; and only things like satisfaction, a sense of conquest, and curiosity will make you happier.

I suddenly remembered what an old senior said to me: Sometimes, some men want to have sex with this woman, not because they are greedy for her body, but because they want to satisfy their desire to conquer her.

Or maybe you want to have a deep bond with her, and this relationship can also be a cooperative relationship. After all, if nothing happens, you will always feel a little strange and like she is not your own.

Finally, let me tell you two heartbreaking truths: A person who truly has a self will instinctively focus on himself and cherish his time and energy.

I will maintain my own pace and refuse to let my life be occupied by other people's emotions and other worthless things.

All the troubles in life come from the eyes of others. The so-called freedom is being hated by others.

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