After two rounds of bull and bear markets, the old investor summarized the core secrets of 100x coins in 2024. It is easy to turn 100,000 into 10 million.

1. Project issuance time: 2021-2024, choose new coins launched in the last 1-3 years, and don't chase the old coins. New things often have a better chance of breaking through in the new round

2. Sector selection: the leader or the second leader in the new track. The new narrative must be long-term value discovery, not short-term cyclical speculation. The coins known by the whole network are basically opened high. In places where no one pays attention

Only the black horse coins that can withstand the 100-fold decline of the big cake can lead the trend

3. Circulating market value: The circulating market value is less than $500 million when it is just launched. It is best to distribute the unlocked circulation in the range of 40%-60%. The circulating market value should be as low as possible, so that there is enough space, because in the later 1-2 years, the tokens will be gradually released. If the total market value is not low, it means that the project party does not need to promote the market, and can get rich just by selling tokens. It can even be said that even if the price drops 10 times, there are still high prices and profits

4. Project background: Strength (see investment institutions). When choosing founders, it is best to select people with a good reputation in the field of digital currency, such as members of the Ethereum core team. Institutions that have invested in more 100-fold coins include Multicoin, Polychain, Alameda, BN, A16Z, coinbase, etc.

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