According to Odaily Planet Daily, Hong Kong's "virtual currency to ETF" mechanism has raised concerns about money laundering. The industry said that KYT (Know Your Token) and other reviews are very difficult. People with mainland backgrounds are trying small-scale "virtual currency to ETF" transactions, "laundering" their own Ethereum and Bitcoin through dummy accounts and other methods, and have deployed some virtual currencies to virtual currency exchanges in Hong Kong. In the future, they will decide whether to increase capital depending on the situation. In response, the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission responded that in the operation of ETF products, including fund companies, custodian banks, asset trading platforms, participating securities firms and other links, they must be licensed or recognized institutions, and strictly abide by asset custody, liquidity, valuation, information disclosure, investor education and other requirements. The Securities and Futures Commission's "Anti-Money Laundering Ordinance" also clearly stipulates that financial institutions and designated non-financial enterprises and industry personnel must comply with customer due diligence and record keeping regulations, which also apply to the virtual asset industry.