There are 4 scenarios in the future, all of which are determined by the peace talks between Israel and Hamas and the CPI data next Wednesday.

(1) Successful peace talks + CPI lower than expected: probability 10%

BTC soars back to $70,000, the bull market returns quickly, and everyone is happy.

(2) Failed peace talks + CPI lower than expected: probability 35%

Failed peace talks will lead to a sharp drop, and CPI lower than expected will rebound.

The positive and negative factors offset each other, and BTC fluctuates around $60,000, but the copycats are bleeding and injured.

(3) Successful peace talks + CPI higher than expected: probability 35%

In this case, successful peace talks are not considered good news, and it can only be said that it will not fall.

CPI higher than expected will definitely lead to a sharp drop, and BTC will fall to $55,000.

(4) Failed peace talks + CPI higher than expected: probability 20%

Both are bad news, and it will fall.

BTC falls below $55,000, and the defense is $50,000.

After looking at these 4 scenarios, we can conclude that it is more bad news than good news. Therefore, lower your expectations, so that you can buy the bottom if it falls. Even if it falls by 1%, you can buy more coins when you buy them back.

Whether it is a contract or a spot, the principle is the same.

Next Monday, OpenAI will hold a press conference. If WLD rises sharply, remember to sell it first.

All the good news will be bad news. Buy it back if it falls later.

#美国4月CPI通胀数据即将公布 #新币挖矿 #BTC走势分析 #Meme币你看好哪一个? #香港加密货币ETF $PEPE $DOGE $TRB