Ryan Sean Adams, founder of crypto news and research platform Bankless, launched a heated discussion on X platform about whether Ethereum will miss this bull run. From the perspective of Ethereum long-termists, he brought us two completely different views. 😉

First, some people think that Ethereum will miss this bull run. They think that Ethereum is in adolescence, just like a teenager is going through an awkward emotional fluctuation stage. The biggest problem is L2. Ethereum in this cycle is different from the past because it basically tells new users: "Hey, don't use Ethereum, we are too expensive, but the good news is that we have 100 brand new L2s and you will like them." However, new buyers are not new buyers of ETH. They may be people who speculate on meme coins, App users, and people from traditional finance.

However, some people think that the ETH bull run is coming. They think that Ethereum is much stronger now than it was in 2020. It is not only a profitable blockchain, but also has solid token economics. The world's largest exchanges are working on Ethereum L2, ZkEVMs have also been realized, unlimited L2 budgets are accelerating the development of Ethereum technology, Ethereum ETF is about to be launched, BlackRock's tokenized treasury bonds, etc. Ethereum's fundamentals are positive.

Which of these two views do you prefer? Will Ethereum miss this cycle or is the ETH bull market coming? Which side are you on? Feel free to speak in the comments section, let's discuss together!