
1. The Bank of Japan's bond purchases today were less than before. The Bank of Japan reduced the purchase amount of 5-10-year Japanese government bonds from 475 billion yen to 425 billion yen

2. Economists expect CPI to show slowing inflation. According to a foreign media survey, respondents expect the core CPI to rise 0.3% month-on-month in April, down from 0.4% in March. Compared with the 3.5% increase in March, the overall CPI is expected to rise 3.4% year-on-year.

3. Matthew Luzzetti, chief US economist at Deutsche Bank, does not expect the Fed to make its first rate cut before December, but he said, "Given the current momentum, investor sentiment is definitely more inclined to respond in a dovish direction."


1. In the past 24 hours, Bitcoin's daily trading volume was sluggish, and it is expected to fluctuate and fall. The first support level is $59,000.

2. ETH daily and weekly lines are the first to approach the first support level of 2,900.

Affected by Bitcoin, the probability of falling below 2,900 is high.

The next support level of ETH is $2,500, and it is expected to fluctuate and fall.