For newbies in the cryptocurrency circle, master the second point of buying and selling coins!

1. Spot trading tutorial

Spot trading refers to using USDT to buy cryptocurrencies, and selling and converting the held cryptocurrencies into USDT.

Before doing spot trading, we need to understand the following concepts. When we are on the exchange trading page, we usually see three parts: "Coin", "Perpetual" and "Leverage".

- Coin: refers to spot trading.

- Perpetual: refers to contract trading (newbies don't need to pay attention).

- Leverage: refers to leveraged trading (newbies don't need to pay attention).

In "Coin" trading, we can use u to buy the currency we want to buy.

For example, take Doge Dogecoin as an example. Search for doge in the market.

You can see the Doge/USDT trading pair: you can use USDT to trade Doge.

0.1 in, 0.2 out, that is, make a swing to earn the difference. You must learn to judge the market and learn to read the K-line analysis. Newbies are most likely to hang on the top of the mountain!

Spot trading requires attention to the following issues:

1. Generally, it is recommended that novices use "limit order", that is, choose the price they want to "buy" or "sell". When the currency price reaches the set "buy" or "sell" price, the transaction can be automatically completed.

2. When you need to quickly buy and sell, you can use "market order", which will trade immediately according to the current market price.

When trading spot, please be careful, choose value currencies to operate, and choose the trading method and strategy that suits you.

As an investor who has been working in the currency circle for many years, I am willing to share my experience and insights with you for free. If you are interested in the currency circle, but don't know how to start, you might as well follow my homepage and discuss the mysteries and future possibilities of the currency circle with me. Click on the avatar introduction to find me. Whether it is spot, contract or airdrop mining, my slight move may be your limit.

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