#BTC走势分析 On Saturday, we expected that the data on Sunday would be worse, but we didn't expect it to be so bad. In the past 24 hours, there are less than 31,000#BTCin circulation on the chain. This data is almost the data when BTC did not exceed $20,000 in early 2023. This is the "bear market" of data. (Figure 1)

At this time, someone will say

"You are talking nonsense. Obviously, BTC rose on the weekend. That's like a bear market."

In fact, the rise of BTC on the weekend is precisely because the liquidity has dropped to almost the freezing point. At the current price, there are too few investors who want to change hands, and there is almost no interference from market makers on the weekend, so a small amount of funds can pull the market, and a small amount of chips can smash the market. This weekend is obviously a larger buying.

The weekend data is like this, because the reduction in liquidity has led to an increase in amplitude. Regardless of whether this is the reason or not, this is the case. The closer to the opening of the US stock market on Monday, the greater the reaction of trading volume and liquidity will be. At this time, the price will have more reference significance, and the bear market of data does not mean the bear market of price.

More investors are unwilling to change hands. On the one hand, the number of investors who want to buy is decreasing, and on the other hand, the number of investors who want to sell is also decreasing. Purchasing power and selling pressure are both decreasing. In the current situation, those who want to buy have almost bought, unless there are new changes in prices or market sentiment, and those who want to sell have almost sold, unless there are new negative trends. The time of fluctuation at this position is indeed too long, and most investors have become numb.

After all, the game now is the Federal Reserve.

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