This time I saw three times when the Securities Exchange Commission of the US lost, the market pumped $1500 to $2500 in Bitcoin.But in addition to that, within 24 hours, he gave another fifteen hundred to two thousand dollars down.I think they are the ones who create this volatility in the market and not take a short or long trade. And middle to common traders are in danger. This is my personal opinion, please comment with your opinion. It was first seen after Coinbase filed a lawsuit that pumped the market by nearly $2,500 when Coinbase countersued them.The next day I saw two thousand dollars down.Then when the finance again started to say various security problems, then again two thousand dollars down.Two days after that the market started pumping again and they too fell silent. What exactly does the Securities Exchange Commission want from exchanges and crypto markets?Then when XRT won several court cases, the market started drinking again. But now it was seen that like the previous two times, now the market has given the town one and a half thousand dollars. crushed in such a way that Never swallowed so big within 4 hours in next 6 months. Please comment your opinion here And you must follow us and share our articles to get new signals.


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