Looking back at 2019 from 2024

2019 was the most desperate year for the crypto market, with almost all the market pushing the Ponzi scheme of returning to commissions. Many senior VCs were also depressed, and one of the big guys told me that the crypto industry has no future as a plate.

Then many people followed the trend to play a few mutual aid plates, dividend plates and split plates, and the results can be imagined, just like a fat sheep entering a wolf's den and being hunted.

In the environment at that time, the grand narrative of DeFi was growing secretly, but not many people bought it. Until Compound introduced the gameplay of dividend plates (liquidity mining) into the DeFi field, the DeFi Summer wave was opened.

This recent history tells us that the plate gameplay did not dissolve the grand narrative, but instead achieved a paradigm innovation of the grand narrative. However, pure plates for the sake of plates are extremely risky, and non-insiders and community leaders should stay away from them.

In fact, the abstract concepts of human society are all lies and scams invented by modern Homo sapiens under environmental pressure to organize and socialize Homo sapiens for survival. This is true for countries, nations, currencies, finance, philosophy, and art.

The liars who invented the original lies are wizards, priests, shamans, saints, and intellectuals. The evil ones who use violence to maintain these lies are politicians, military strategists, and various violent machines of the country, etc.

What we ordinary people learn in school is just an outdated system of lies. Only after experiencing repeated beatings in society will we see our true nature and realize the true meaning of Soros' famous saying "human history is a series of scams."

There is no market now, so everyone can get closer to nature, try to forget the socialized self, find the natural self, accumulate energy, and prepare to welcome the super bull coming in the second half of this year or early next year

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