⚠️,, But slow down,👀
Interested in Solana Network and its currencies?
Coin $PYTH , which some people dreamed of at this price in order to buy it and do staking for the sake of dropshipping
Here it is in front of you for $0.47 😃
⚠️ But slow down
It is true that it is one of the Oracle projects on Solana and a strong project, but its only flaw is the large quantities held by the team, and new currencies will be decrypted in a very large amount of 2.13B billion PYTH, which is equal to 1.04B$ billion dollars after 8 days 😯
Almost like what happened with Arbitrum👌
If you want to buy, it is better to be patient until the redemption period passes, because 250M million PYTH, which equals $122M million, is allocated to the first investors (Private sale) who bought it at a very low price and they will certainly sell in stages because their first concern is profit 😃@