Learn the hidden rules of human nature from rich people and save 10 years of detours

1. A friend's friend is not directly equivalent to your friend. The enemy of your enemy is your friend

2. Girls often feel disgusted by boys who try to reason with them.

3. If a girl can be asked out by you at night, she is likely to have a good impression of you.

4. Most people hope that you can fend for yourself, rather than waiting for your success.

5. When we are old, no matter how close we are to our children, we should understand the "Crow Law".

6. In a family, whoever is the richest has more relatives.

7. When your child is in kindergarten, try not to offend the kindergarten teacher.

8. In the world, there are two things that cannot be looked at directly, one is the sun, and the other is the heart of a person.

9. For those who leave you, don't look back a second time.

10. Money should not be earned in a lifetime, but should be seized in 2-3 years to earn wealth that many people cannot earn in a lifetime.

11. Capable people always have endless things to do, while incompetent people always have nothing to do.

12. Be careful with friendships that suddenly heat up, because they may be taking advantage of you.

13. When someone sends you a message and doesn't get a reply, it is a reply in itself.

14. After receiving a message, don't reply immediately.

15. It may be ineffective to socialize with poor people. Although it sounds unpleasant, it is true.

16. There are always more people who laugh at you than those who really care about you.

17. Why have beautiful women always been short-lived since ancient times? Because people only care about how long ugly people can live.

18. Sun Wukong represents the heart of a person,

Zhu Bajie represents the desire of a person,

Sha Wujing represents the rationality of a person,

White Dragon Horse represents the will of a person, and Tang Sanzang represents the body of a person.

19. Don't put your car keys on the table when you have a meal.

20. When the doorman or security guard stops you, giving them a pack of cigarettes may be more effective than any words.

21. Sincerity is the highest level of routine.

22. Don't do business with the poor, and don't play with people who can't afford to lose.

23. Writing "1,000 yuan fine for trampling" on the lawn may be more effective than writing "No trampling".

24. There is no pie in the sky, only traps.

25. Being an ordinary worker may mean that you will never achieve great things in this life.

26. When the doctor ignores you during rounds, it usually means you are safe.

27. If you have 2 million in your pocket and drive a luxury car, you will never lack women.

28. Handsome men need to be cautious when interacting with rich women, and beautiful people need to be careful when interacting with uncles.

The interaction between adults is based on value exchange. If you have no value, you may lose miserably.

29. Don't tell anyone how much money you have.

30. When you are in trouble, those who take advantage of you are often the people around you.

31. Men or women who are too serious will make people feel boring. Life sometimes requires a kind of rogue emotion and passion.

32. When you are so poor that only love is left, you will find that no one in the world really loves you.

33. When you are old and lying on a hospital bed, you will find that the closest people in this life are not blood relatives, but the money and faith you have.

34. Don't trust people with bad character easily even if they are good to you.

35. People who are good at speaking can never compare to people with connections.

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