1. Exposure to the sun. (Extremely important)

2. Hug a tree. (The older the better)

3. Step on the soil barefoot. (Absorb the earth’s energy)

4. Look up at the sky. (Absorb the spirit of heaven)

5. Meditation. (Spiritual introspection)

6. Focus on cleaning your body. (Purification of body and mind)

7. Contact with high-energy people. (Be illuminated by high-energy environment)

8. Tidy up your house and discard unnecessary items. (Increase happiness)

9. Gather your aura: concentrate on doing one thing.

10. Stop loss in time: avoid getting involved with bad people.

11. Save energy: Be cautious in making major decisions and don’t worry too much about small things.

12. Do good and accumulate virtue: but don’t be too “nice”.

13. Maintain a positive attitude: state is the best feng shui.

14. Reduce small movements: Too many movements will expose your lack of confidence.

15. Be natural when speaking.

16. Be generous, sincere, and kind.

17. Don’t interfere in the cause and effect of others, otherwise you will suffer the consequences.

18. Don’t talk too much, stay calm, and speak with a forceful tone.

19. Don’t be either self-deprecating or arrogant when doing things.

20. Don’t follow the crowd blindly, stand for yourself.

21. Like reading, especially books that can improve oneself.

22. No matter how gorgeous your clothes are, it’s useless to keep your talent and smile.

23. If you don’t have temperament, you must learn to stay simple.

24. Be sincere when shaking hands with others.

25. Don’t always use “I” as the subject.

26. Don’t always share your private life with others.
Maybe others won’t care at all.

27. Don’t talk about others behind their backs.

28. When you hear others gossiping, you can remain silent.

29. Don’t always talk about your past.

30. Respect people who don’t like you.

31. Be objective and not subjective.

32. Praise others more.

33. Know how to be grateful.

34. Be self-respecting and confident, but not narcissistic or arrogant.

35. Don’t be disgusted when others point out your shortcomings.
Because this is your chance to reflect.

36. Only by letting go and learning to be generous can you have good popularity.

37. Face failure correctly, even if you lose the opportunity,
The future is always full of hope.

38. Go to the barber shop to get a haircut.

39. Worship your ancestors.

40. Hug your baby more.

41. Go out more often.

42. Go to the lake and feed the fish.

43. Climb the mountain and look into the distance.

44. Go home more often to visit your elderly parents.

45. Donate clothes you don’t wear anymore.

46. ​​Clean your house thoroughly.

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