Let's talk about the money-making mentality. Is it so difficult to make 100 million?

Why do some people succeed in everything they do, and they won't be too poor?

Why do some people find it difficult to get out of poverty throughout their lives?

The thinking logic, methods of doing things, and starting points of judging things between the poor and the rich are worlds apart.

When you think about making money every day, you may not be able to make money.

You should analyze what characteristics those who make money have,

what kind of thinking can make money, and

what kind of logic is correct.

So I always tell myself a sentence:

Doing the right thing is far more important than doing things.

For example, if I ask you a question, what do you want to do most now?

80% of people will answer that I want to make money.

For the same question,

I have also asked many entrepreneurs with results,

they will tell me,

"What I want to do most is how to quickly implement this project."

"What I want to do most is to improve the self-motivation of my employees"

"What I want to do most is to increase performance by 10% next month"

All those successful people, when you ask them what they want to do most,

they all answer like this.

Because you have to deserve money to earn it. If your ability is not worthy of the money you can earn, even if you earn it today, the world will take it away in another way. So in order to make everyone understand this matter, I specially sorted it out and recommended several good documentaries: The first one is "Why Poverty": Everyone's success is not replicable, but the reasons for failure can definitely be replicated. So we should not always discuss how others succeed. Jack Ma's method of success is given to you, and you can't become the next Jack Ma, but we need to think deeply about failure. The second one is "Invisible Billionaire": This film records a 55-year-old billionaire. He took a challenge with 100 yuan, went to a strange city and used only 30 days to create an income of 1 million US dollars from 0 yuan. This rich man took such a challenge to prove to everyone, what is no resources, what is no money, what is no connections,What about being old? That's all nonsense.

Look at where people succeed, and you will no longer find excuses.

The third film "Money and Me":

Many of us still have a hatred of the rich.

When we see others making money, we hate the rich.

Some people feel that tens of millions have nothing to do with me, hundreds of millions are impossible, oh, I will never reach it.

When you can't make friends with money,

when you can't find your relationship with money, you can't make a lot of money.

You must find the relationship between you and money.

You have to love money, you have to be one with it, and you have to control it.

The fourth film "Rich Brother and Poor Brother":

This film is about two boys from the same family background,

the same parents,

but one is a billionaire,

the other is very poor and homeless.

From the living habits and thinking logic of these two brothers since childhood,

you can see why the difference between them is so big when they grow up.

So some people say that the rich and the poor have something to do with the original family,

and it has something to do with the parents, which is also nonsense.

After watching these four documentaries,

I believe that we can better understand,

what is the poor mindset and what is the rich mindset.

You can really make money only if you start to change your mindset.

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