It's not just men who can float around with money.

Cao Dewang once said: "In fact, most people are not suitable for getting rich, because the backlash of money is very strong. If a person does not have high moral character and wisdom, it is difficult to withstand it.

When ordinary people have a certain amount of wealth, they will ignore rules, etiquette, bottom line, personality, and morality, and they will sell all of these for money. "

This sentence by Cao Dewang applies to everyone, regardless of gender. People who have not experienced it may think it is chicken soup, but those who have experienced it personally will know that this sentence is reality.

Managing wealth is actually a skill.
It tests a person's cultivation, knowledge, concentration, and character.

I have a friend who was a demolisher. After he got the money, the first thing he did was to buy a Mercedes-Benz. He would drive it around whenever he had nothing to do, for fear that others would see him.

A few months later, he started going to chess and card rooms, and later quit his job to play cards.

Then he stayed out all night long and wandered around in a world of eating, drinking, whoring and gambling, perfectly illustrating the saying "Men become bad when they have money."

While I was still immersed in my envy of him, he went bankrupt at lightning speed.

Some people say that the level of cognition determines the level of wealth. If one’s cognition is insufficient, the wealth obtained by chance will gradually decrease to a level that matches one’s cognition.

Once people are satisfied with their material life, they will then seek to satisfy their spiritual world. However, for those who are not well-educated, their spiritual world is full of desires. Therefore, once they have money, they will indulge in eating, drinking, whoring and gambling.

The greatest test for the rich is bankruptcy, while the greatest test for the poor is sudden wealth.

When Li Zicheng started his rebellion in Shaanxi, he could not have imagined that he would have the opportunity to ride a "roller coaster" in his lifetime.

From raising the flag to attacking Xi'an and proclaiming himself emperor, he put all his energy into it for 15 years, but it only took him 3 months to enter Beijing from Xi'an.

What’s more exciting is yet to come. From the time he entered Beijing to the time he was driven out of Beijing by the Qing army, he only lived in this city that he had been dreaming about for 42 days.

During his time in the capital, he amassed a fortune and his wealth increased dramatically, but he became addicted to alcohol and sex, and allowed his soldiers to rob, completely forgetting his original slogan.

The dragon slayer eventually became the evil dragon. A year later, Li Zicheng fled to the mountainous area of ​​Hubei Province, where he was attacked by villagers and died at the age of 40.

Everyone has a dream of wealth, and pursuing a better life is everyone’s common goal.

But when suddenly they get a huge fortune, how many people can control the desire that money brings?

Money is a magic mirror. Human nature is to pursue profit, but people may not have the wisdom to control it.

If one's virtue is not in line with his position, there will be disaster. Because human nature is complicated, but people who suddenly become rich are even more complicated.

When you have money, you start to get carried away. There is a critical value for a person's wealth. If the wealth exceeds this critical value, you may be in trouble.

It's like if an ordinary person is given a Green Dragon Crescent Blade to be one of the Five Tiger Generals. If he tries to lift it, he will definitely sprain his waist.

If a person wants to have money without disaster, he must constantly improve his self-cultivation. Only those who have insight into the laws of things can "remain calm when faced with sudden disasters."

If your bowl is too shallow to contain sudden wealth, you will be in danger of being bitten back by the wealth. At this time, sudden wealth may turn into a disaster.

In reality, there are too many such examples.

Some people won tens of millions by buying lottery tickets, some people got huge compensation when their houses were demolished, and some people took off by seizing an opportunity when they were in the right place.

But the backlash of money is too great. Sudden windfall will expose a person's true nature and arouse repressed desires.

Desires are the same for both men and women. You can look at the examples around you. If someone suddenly becomes rich, they feel superior to others and want to have a big gold necklace or an expensive watch.

I now buy things that I didn’t dare to buy before, I now say things that I didn’t dare to say before, my previously humble attitude has become impetuous, I used to think twice before spending a penny, now I spend a handful of money without even thinking.

This is a kind of emotional out of control. Because one suddenly gets unexpected wealth, which is higher than one's expected life goals, one becomes extremely happy and the mind loses its wit.

But what comes easily goes easily. There is nothing wrong with wealth itself. What is wrong is that when people face it, they will fall into a state of madness, which makes you lose your composure, forget your bottom line, and lose your morals.

Xin Xiaodai, the lucky charm of Alipay, won the 100 million yuan jackpot from Alipay four years ago. She immediately resigned from her job to travel around the world and spent three happy years there. But now she is in a predicament of being penniless and jobless.

So, how did Xin Xiaodai play such a good hand so badly?

The grand prize of Alipay is not 100 million in real money, but prizes provided by Alipay's global partners. Most of them are given in the form of tickets and coupons and have a certain time limit. Isn't it very similar to some other activities?

This posed a problem for Xin Xiaodai. If she wanted to redeem these prizes, she had to quit her job and travel. If she relied solely on vacation travel, many of the prizes would be invalidated.

Xin Xiaodai likes freedom and traveling, so after a brief thought, she gave up her monthly salary of 10,000 yuan, resigned from the company, and prepared to travel around the world to redeem her prizes.

In mid-November 2018, Xin Xiaodai arrived in Hong Kong, the first stop of the global prize redemption journey. Xin Xiaodai was happy at first, not only sharing his trip on Weibo, but also interacting with fans through live broadcasts.

In order to redeem these gifts, Xin Xiaodai had to catch flights frequently and stayed in one place for a very short time, which made it difficult for him to get enough rest, so his physical condition was very poor.

She goes to the hospital frequently. In Xin Xiaodai's own words, she has been to the hospital more times in 19 years than in the previous 20 years combined.

Moreover, transportation costs were not included in the prize and had to be paid for by Xin Xiaodai. Therefore, it didn’t take long for Xin Xiaodai to use up all his savings and max out his credit card.

Indulgence in desires will only bring disaster in the end. You will become a passing god of wealth, a carrier of wealth instead of its owner.

If you want to inherit great wealth, you must first learn to cultivate your mind. Because the more wealth a person has, the higher the risk he or she actually carries, and the more he or she needs to cultivate himself or herself to resolve it.

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