Pepe Coin is currently trading at $0.000008691, with a price prediction of
$0.00001145, representing a 30.23% increase. The Fear & Greed Index is at 53, indicating a neutral sense, yet overall sentiment is hopeful. Volatility is 17.34%, with 18 of the last 30 days being green, indicating a 60% upward tendency. Key indicators provide an overview of possible growth. The 50-day Simple Moving Average (SMA) is $0.00007139, which is much higher than the 200-day SMA of $0.000003332, indicating a short-term bullish trend. Furthermore, the 14-day Relative Strength Index (RSI) is 59.51, indicating a fairly stable market with opportunity to grow. Finally, with positive sentiment and technical indicators pointing up, investors may discover opportunities in Pepe Coin.
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we are not a financial advisor so please do your on research and be safe