What lessons have the rich people around you taught you?

1. Most of those who dress up and dress up are heavily in debt. Only those who are simple, calm and well-educated are truly rich.

2. People who like to play tricks and treat others as fools may climb up quickly at the beginning, but the higher they go, the stronger their opponents will be. If they play tricks again, they will die.

3. People who are unwilling to reflect on their own reasons and like to blame others will be muddleheaded all their lives and will not seek to make progress. When you meet such people, keep a distance, because they will blame all their failures on you.

4. People who are easy to trust others will generally remain poor, because soon they will be scammed out of their money without knowing it. Suspicious people generally have no financial problems.

5. The more wealthy friends you have around you and the fewer poor or even debt-ridden friends you have, the better your financial situation will be. It's amazing, but it's like this. Many things are subtle. Of course, it is very likely that some of your rich friends may be poor, which will inevitably drag you down

6. People who say hurtful things and think they are straightforward will sooner or later go bankrupt. People who hurt others will also be hurt by others. It is constant, so pay attention to your words and deeds, be good to others and yourself

7. If the poor want to become rich, they must accumulate tangible assets, such as LV, Gucci and other bags, various famous watches, cars and mini houses with high value retention rate, etc.

Because the money in bank cards and Yu'ebao is too easy to be spent, once the poor have money, they will be coveted by various scammers, but houses, cars, bags, watches and other things are less likely to be They will cheat you out of money, and these things will make you look like a fool, which will help you avoid many scammers. In this way, you will become rich by accumulating money slowly.

8. Don't accept small favors from others casually. Most of them are coveting the money in your bank card. It's hard to hear but it's true. Find a reason to refuse. This can help you avoid many pitfalls in your life for decades, and your wealth will accumulate slowly.

9. People who are lustful and look at faces are generally easy to spend more than they earn, because there are a group of people in society who specialize in cheating such people. For example, a handsome guy invites you to go to a medical beauty clinic, but in fact he is a trustee of a beauty salon or plastic surgery hospital. In this way, you will be fooled and hundreds of thousands of savings will be gone in a few months.

10. Don't care about face. Comfort and convenience come first. When going out to do things, ride a shared bike if it's close, and take a taxi if it's far away.

11. Lazy, so like to find shortcuts. Don't like to make money with physical strength, feel tired, so willing to use your brain

12. Like to study, very receptive to new things

13. Have a set of logic for making money, which looks simple but is difficult to operate. It sounds like a few simple sentences to you. But each step takes a lot of time and experience to verify.

If you don't experience it, you won't understand it, and think it's easy for others to make money

14. Don't make excuses when you fail, but find reasons, and constantly correct and optimize

15. Good concentration, and won't get angry easily. I can really calm down when doing things, which is definitely the watershed between success and failure.

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