The highest realm in the cryptocurrency circle!!

1. Do not borrow money to trade in cryptocurrencies

2. Do not overdraw, use spare money to trade in cryptocurrencies

3. Never trade in short-term

4. If the opportunity does not come, it is better to wait with empty positions

5. Do not over-rely on technical indicators

6. Do not trade in junk and unpopular copycats

7. No matter how good the currency is, do not enter the market unless it is cut in half

8. Choose to go short after the bull market ends

9. Select a target, and once you enter the market, you will be heavily invested

10. 100,000 funds can only be used in two currencies

11. After entering the market, no longer care about the daily trend of the market, any technical indicators, and nothing will happen

12. Ambush at a low position, and then wait, the profit target is at least doubled.

13. Strictly stop loss and stop profit, and never drag your feet.

This is the real master of cryptocurrency trading, unlike some leeks, who wish they had to toss and turn every day. Loss can't sleep, and profit is greedy. Do you have anything to add?

Or talk about your own pain points?

As an investor who has been working in the cryptocurrency industry for many years, I am willing to share my experience and insights with you for free. If you are interested in the cryptocurrency industry but don't know where to start, you may wish to follow my homepage and discuss the mysteries and future possibilities of the cryptocurrency industry with me. Click on the avatar to find me.

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