If you always lose money when trading cryptocurrencies, you need to remember these trading tips:

1. Buy horizontally and buy pits, not vertically, the selling point is at the boiling point;

2. Continuous small increases are real increases, and continuous large increases require exiting the market;

3. A sharp rise requires a pullback, and you should not dig a deep pit or buy more;

4. The main rise should reach its peak, and a sharp drop should be sold quickly and a slow rise should be sold slowly;

5. A sharp drop without volume is a threat, and a slow drop with large volume should be withdrawn quickly;

6. If the price breaks through the lifeline, do not hesitate to make waves;

7. Look carefully at the daily and monthly lines, and follow the main force to build a position;

8. If the coin price rises without volume, the main force will lure more and don’t stand guard;

9. A new low with shrinking volume is a bottom image, and you should enter the market when the incremental rebound occurs;

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