A wave of market in May is coming!

​The currency circle will boil again, and Wall Street has already placed bets!

​This is a positive indicator that you must understand if you want to earn confidence and not miss out!


1. Grayscale stopped dumping, stopped selling, and started buying.

Grayscale GBTC held more than 292,000 BTC as of May 6, an increase of more than 978 from the previous trading day

2. The overall trading volume of the market increased, and BTC processed 1 billion transactions for the first time, becoming a hot spot yesterday.

After a month of continuous decline, the sudden recovery also brought certain confidence to the market. The financial survey found that many whales have repurchased BTC, as well as altcoins such as Ai and meme.

​When the market has volume, institutions push and help. It can't not rise!

3. The third-in-command of the Federal Reserve said that interest rate cuts will definitely be cut, but there will be twists and turns.

Very good, for this sentence, I can only say that macro control and spell control, the market confidence brought by one sentence is as good as putting gunpowder on the bull.

4. SCE defines ETH as a security. It is impossible for a mature financial giant to say such a childish thing. Each of their public speeches is made after multiple meetings. At present, the status of digital currency in the international arena is becoming more and more prominent. In other words, digital currency is no longer a toy of a certain whale, but an international financial dispute. With the performance of Asia, Ethereum ETF is a matter of time!

As an investor who has been working in the currency circle for many years, I am willing to share my experience and insights with you. If you are interested in the currency circle, but don’t know how to start, you might as well follow my homepage and discuss the mysteries and future possibilities of the currency circle with me. Click on the avatar introduction to find me.

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