#Hangzhou fully cancels housing purchase restrictions#

With the news that Hangzhou has fully canceled the purchase restrictions, cities across the country have issued more than 80 policies to relax purchase restrictions in the past year. The real estate market can no longer hold on. It has not had a hard landing for three or four years. This achievement is very good in the world. Now it is slowly loosening up and landing softly, which is good for everyone~

It is inevitable that housing prices will fall in the future. In the future, more and more young people would rather rent than buy houses. The proportion of newborns is declining year by year, and rigid demand will become less and less. House speculators have lost their pants in the past two years. They will take advantage of this wave of loosening policies to quickly sell them~

In the next ten years, more and more young people would rather invest in Bitcoin than speculate in real estate~

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