In 260 Days, This Crypto Wallet Went From $1,007 To $1,558,504
8:13 AM・Dec 1, 2023
He was making $Millions on EVERY hyped Meme coin..
Let's explore how he skyrocketed so high. 👇
In 260 Days, This Crypto Wallet Went From $1,007 To $1,636,932
2/➮ I proudly present to you the King of meme coin trading
☩ His story, along with one of the biggest profits, begins with $PEPE.
☩ Only thanks to this token, he turned into a crypto Millionaire.
☩ PnL: +$1,208,588.72
3/➮ Recently, he uncovered a new Hyped coin $GROK.
☩ In under a month, his initial investment of just $14,564 rose to a jaw-dropping 6 figures.
☩ Profit and Loss: +$714,620.15
4/➮ Gig Brain used a profitable strategy of transferring one asset to another.
☩ After noticing that all the hype was leaving one coin & a new one appeared on the radar
☩ Without holding onto the past, he instantly traded the old token for the new one.
5/➮ Whale also made HUGE profit on $UNIBOT.
☩ He bought the coin shortly after its launch for a small amount and simply held the position as it steadily grew.
☩ PnL: +$499,250.53
6/➮ It seems that he pursued the goal of not missing a single ultra-profitable coin.
☩ Next triumph was on $HarryPotterObamaSonic10Inu.
☩ Smart wallet also clearly saw the token's immense potential in advance and undoubtedly invested in it.
☩ PnL: +$311,257.38
7/➮ Despite the fantastic success of this smart wallet
☩ Mindless copying of trades ALWAYS, ALWAYS leads to REKT
☩ Remember about DYOR
8/➮ Thousands of people are making millions of dollars of Crypto every day
☩ Simply following 1% club, you'll swiftly become a part of it.
☩ Stay with me, I will present every club
member to you.
☩ His Address: