How not to lose money in the currency circle

The essence of the currency circle is Bitcoin. If you can understand the trend of Bitcoin, you can gain a foothold in the currency circle. Today I will teach you 4 rules. After you learn them, you will not lose money in the currency circle.

First, the Bitcoin bull and bear cycle rotates every 4 years. The bull market lasts for one year and the bear market lasts for three years. The bull market was in 2013, 2017, and 2021 respectively. The next bull market is generally recognized to be in 2025.

Second, the Bitcoin halving market. The bull market will start 6 months to 1 year after the Bitcoin halving. This is the real halving market.

Third, the lowest point of the bear market. After the bull market, Bitcoin will fall by 80%-90%. Usually, we buy the bottom position after a 70% drop and then hoard the currency. If there is a second bottoming, we will also buy boldly. At present, the bottom of the bear market in 2023 is around 15,000, and the second bottoming has not yet appeared. The owner predicts that there will be a second bottoming in January 2024, so friends who want to buy the bottom can pay attention to the owner. In January, the owner will tell you what the second bottoming is.

Fourth, how much will it rise in 2025? The Pavilion Master predicts that Bitcoin will be 300,000 in 2025. If you ask the Pavilion Master how much dollars to sell the currency, the Pavilion Master recommends starting with 100,000 and selling more as the price rises. This is responsible for you. The conservative recommendation is 100,000 US dollars, and you will not lose money.

These 4 points can only prevent you from losing money. As for how to create the myth of wealth freedom, the Pavilion Master will also teach you everything he knows. Don't worry that the bear market has not passed yet, it will come soon.

As an investor who has been working in the currency circle for many years, I am willing to share my experience and insights with you. If you are interested in the currency circle, but don't know how to start, you might as well follow my homepage and discuss the mysteries and future possibilities of the currency circle with me. Click on the avatar introduction to find me.

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