Hope for the best, plan for the worst, do your best, and fight it to the end. The intraday market still did not give anything special, and this kind of flight situation is often the time for Wei Yi to take off. Yesterday morning, it broke below the 63,000-line position, and formed a top-bottom exchange situation. In addition, Wei Yi's long-short conversion in the morning won more than 1,600 points of space for big cakes, and more than 70 points of space for ether. There was no other special operation in the morning, as long as you grasp the point.

In terms of the entire trend, the current trend structure is a weak performance, so you can't go against the trend and grab more. You must wait for a round of market decline to end, and there will be a clear anti-fall signal or bottoming signal stage below before you can go long. So don't participate in the counter-trend layout in a favorable environment. It is easy to lose money and the risk is greater. Go with the trend. The market will not rebound because of a large decline. The market is cruel, don't report any fluke mentality. Secondly, when the decline is explored, a break is formed, so the break of the integer level will not easily stop near the integer level, and it must be extended with the trend. Therefore, you can just follow the trend and go short after the decline.

Bitcoin suggestion: go short near 63000, target 61000

Ethereum suggestion: go short near 3050, target 2900$BTC $ETH #灰度撤回以太坊现货ETF申请 #BTC走势分析 #ETH #BTC