Last night, the market rebounded strongly in the early morning and came to the position of the intraday upward pressure line, giving Wei Yi the opportunity to enter the market and short, and then continued to retreat. Wei Yi was short near the highs of 64200 and 3100, and the big cake took more than 2000 points of space, and the concubine took more than 100 points of space. Last night's trend was also carried out within Wei Yi's expectations, and the points had been expected to be given to major netizens.

From the current structure, the unilateral retreat in the early morning of last night did not give a good rebound. From the perspective of short-term indicators, there will be a rebound in the short term, so you can enter the market first. From the daily level, it is still a thought of shorting as the main and long as the auxiliary. Focus on the rebound strength during the day.

Big cake suggestion: short around 63000, target 61000$BTC $ETH #BTC走势分析 #Meme币你看好哪一个? #ETH #BTC #5月市场关键事件