The market is boring, there are no good projects. It is recommended to register a warpcast to win future airdrops. The following is the operation process for Apple phones. I have not tried Android phones and need to test it myself. The cost is about 5U.

Step 1: Click the link:, fill in your email address to register, Google email is best, other email addresses should also be acceptable.

Step 2: Open your mailbox, click on the iOS download link in the warpcast email you received, and enter the download process. You will need a foreign Apple ID, log in to the App Store to download warpcast. If you do not have a foreign Apple ID, you can purchase it or register it yourself.

Purchase link:

Step 3: After downloading Warpcast, switch back to your domestic Apple ID (you need to bind a foreign currency credit card such as Maste or MasterCard to support the cost of 5U). If you don’t have a foreign currency credit card, you can recharge a gift card. For more information on how to recharge a gift card, please read this article:

Step 4: Open the warpcast client, enter your email address, click confirm in the received email, enter the payment page, and complete the payment.

Step 5: Then set your username, avatar and profile, and you can use it normally (remember to write down the mnemonic phrase during the process)

Summary: You can post, comment, and like more on Warpcast to attract more fans. Bind your wallet address in the settings. There may be airdrops in the future. You are also welcome to follow Qingshui Ge’s Warpcast.

Qingshuige Warpcast link: