The replacement rate of the top 100 companies by market capitalization is 67%. The next bull market often requires new narratives to fill the gap.

1. Features

1. Market capitalization ranking analysis

Judging from the market capitalization ranking, in March 2020, among the top 600 currencies by market capitalization, 61 100x coins were born (secondary market).
Top Market Cap
There are 11 100-fold coins among the 100 coins, accounting for 18%. They are

,#LINK,#ADA,#DOGE,#VET,#SNX,#SOL,#THETA,#HOT,#ENJ,#LUNA, old coins have new narratives and are also a new growth explosion point. For example
BNB and BSC chains are no longer just exchange tokens
Among the top 100-300 currencies by market capitalization, 21 100x coins were born, accounting for 34.4%.
Among the top 300-600 currencies by market capitalization, 22 were born, accounting for 36%.
There are 7 others whose market capitalization is too low to capture data.
So overall, among the top 300 coins by market capitalization, there are a total of 32 100x coins, accounting for 10.6% of the total, one in ten.

2. From the perspective of investment institutions, only 9 companies have verifiable institutional investments.
The proportion is low.

From the main analysis, the fundraising method of cryptocurrency at that time still applied the traditional ICO logic of 2017, and there were few institutional players. In addition, due to the limited secondary market screening logic, many projects had not yet issued coins. At that time, institutions such as: #Multicoi#Polychain#Alameda#BN#A16Z also became top cryptocurrency capital in the later period!

3. From the perspective of unlocking and circulation.

MC is concentrated in the 40%-60% range. It is not that full circulation is good, nor is it that little circulation is good. This is a strange phenomenon that cannot be disproven. I do not have sufficient reasons to convince myself for now (discussion is welcome). It is probably related to the time of birth, most of which were born in 18, 19, and 20 years.

4. From the time of project establishment.

Among the 100x projects, 76% were established during the 18-20 year bear market cycle, while only 24% were established before 2017 (the cycle before that).
85% were created in 2018, 2019, and 2020. Among the 100x projects, only 1.7% were created in the late bull market (2021). So based on this logic, we should pay more attention to the projects in 2022 and 2023.
Inspiration: Pay attention to projects released in 2022, 2023, and 2024. Don’t look at old projects.

5. From the perspective of token price

Generally, people prefer products with lower unit prices. The lower the unit price, the more project tokens can be exchanged for the same unit of USDT, which makes people feel more fulfilled or happy. This is a strange phenomenon, but the facts are there.

6. Best configuration time

The low point of the 100x coin is basically synchronized with the low point of BTC, and the high point of the 100x coin is also basically synchronized with the low point of BTC.

BTC high point synchronization. From the current situation, the second bottom, 15000 or 15000

The following is probably the best time to buy altcoins. I expect that Bitcoin may reach a low of 9,800 during the US financial crisis, but who knows? Make a good strategy and build positions in batches.

2. Track Classification

1. Public chain

The largest number of 100x coins belong to public chains, with a total of 17, accounting for 27.8%. Among them, there are 14 L1, 2 L2, and 1 L0. Comment: In the last cycle, in order to solve the problems of ETH expansion, TPS, GAS
Similar to the bull market in 2017, there has been a phenomenon of a hundred schools of thought in the public chain, including the birth of #SOL, #MATIC, and other high-performance public chains, which have brought prosperity to our cryptocurrency market!
In the future, the public chains with a hundred times the number of blockchains will most likely be L2, L0, and privacy public chains. It is actually meaningless to do L1. Whether it is the current OP or ARB, or the future ZK, they are all good options.


The second largest number of 100-fold coins belongs to
GAMEFI, 5 in total, accounting for 8.2%. GAME
It has always been a battleground for traditional WEB2 strategists, with Tencent and NetEase in the front and Mihoyo in the back. This track is the most profitable and has the most traffic. It is also the best educational tool for cultivating non-circle users to enter WEB3. Only when there is a strong consensus among many people and the market value of cryptocurrency continues to reach new highs, can institutions cash out at a better price. Therefore, institutions are also willing to invest, and it is naturally a hot spot among hot spots.
In the game track, there are super applications, such as
#AXS, #GMT, some are game public chains, such as #IMX, #RON. Some are the entire game ecosystem, such as #GALA, #MAGIC. There are many paths to choose from. This track is likely to be the field with the most 100x coins in the next cycle. Here are a few game varieties with a high probability of 100x coins in the next cycle, you can send me a private message.

3. DeFi, MeMe

The third largest number of 100-fold coins belongs to cross-chain, IOT (Internet of Things), DEFI, and MEME
There are 3 coins, accounting for 4.9% respectively. In terms of these directions, the Internet of Things is likely to have nothing to do in the next cycle. Cross-chain is a rigid demand, and one or two kings will definitely be born. MEME
It depends on fate. There will definitely be some. The method is to do more on-chain analysis, the correlation between addresses, and the ability to capture whales. This can be expanded later. Combined with the tool DEFI, it should also be the track for the top three hundred-fold coins in the next cycle. Among them, I focus on: the derivatives direction in DEFI, the algorithmic stable currency direction, the credit direction, NFT lending, NFT liquidity, and CRV ecology. These areas are likely to give birth to hundred-fold currency varieties. Fortunately, these projects have already appeared and are growing, which is worth looking forward to.

Do you think there will be more 100-fold products in the current market? And which tracks are more likely to see these 100-fold products?

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