⚠️After a decade of silence, the legendary Bitcoin wallet from the Satoshi era finally "woke up". As soon as this wallet woke up, it made a big move, transferring $43.9 million worth of Bitcoin to two different wallets. This is a big deal, because there are still 1.75 million Bitcoin wallets "dozing off", and the Bitcoin they hold is worth $121 billion in total!

Don't forget that in July last year, a wallet that had "slept for a long time" also woke up and transferred $30 million in Bitcoin. These wallet "awakening" incidents have made people wonder whether these dormant Bitcoins will have any impact on the market.

This month, the Bitcoin market is definitely worth watching, and trend analysis needs to be paid close attention.

#5月市场看点 #比特币现货ETF持续淨流出 #BTC走势分析