Hello friends ,

Dear investor brothers, I follow many research articles and economics professors.

While reading these people's thoughts on the market, some events caught my attention,

For example, 5 out of 10 famous names say that #Bitcoin will decline and fall to $ 30,000. The other 5 analysts say that #btc is currently recovering and there may be a small decline from time to time, but after August, it will make a new ATH and then immediately see $ 85,000 and then $ 100,000.

There is a group of people who say they are looking at the market and there will be a decline, and they are causing people to sell their assets by creating a climate of fear in the market in order to buy bitcoin. It is even rumored that finance companies are paying bonuses to some writers on this issue. The aim is to create a very sharp decline in bitcoin and make purchases. I don't know if this will achieve their goal. After all, everyone here is human. They usually don't do the logical thing.

Friends who make spot entries when the market falls, never panic.

My completely personal opinion is “BITCOIN WILL NOT FALL” because there is no reason. If Bitcoin had fallen every time the wind blew, there would be no King today.

I expect slight increases until NOVEMBER 5. But this cannot be called BULL. I expect the real BULL event after the US general elections (NOVEMBER 5). I think it will hover around 85,000 or 90,000 after the elections.

I predict that the new project to be released on its own network will support BTC. Now, just as SOL and ETH produce projects on its own network, Bitcoin also produces new projects on its own network. I also support the first one to be released.

Please go to my profile and visit!!!

I Love You All 🫶

The offer is from me, the appreciation is from you.

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