The overall operation of ETH's recent market is still in line with expectations. As long as you don't chase the rise and sell the fall, you can have profit space. Yesterday, our short-term strategy was to step back to 3100 and stabilize to go long. The highest point in the day reached 3171. We made a profit of 70 points in the weekend market, which is quite satisfactory!! The target is running around 3130

Today, Ethereum rose slightly. A whale tried to buy again, but failed to form a joint force. After reaching 3171, it fell back quickly and touched 3127. At present, it started to rise in linkage with Bitcoin. In the absence of an independent narrative, Ethereum will only choose Bitcoin. BTC is the bottom consensus. ETH is just a copycat enhanced version. Choosing lasting certainty is still choosing Bitcoin

In terms of exchange rate, there is not much fluctuation today. It tried to rise to 0.0497 during the day, and then dived. It is currently back to around 0.049. Do not consider going long in the counter-trend exchange rate. Go long only during the rise. Continue to be around 0.05 Do offense and defense, wait for the trend to start before considering entering the market, watch more and do less, real hunters have enough patience, if it can break through 0.05, then go long on the exchange rate

At the current point, the upper short-term resistance is 3200 3400, and the lower short-term support is 3100 2800

In terms of operation, the short-term is still around 3100-3200. If it breaks through 3200 in the future, you can follow the trend and buy low and pay attention to the range of 3080-3100