Happy birthday to Nikola Tesla, the 1st man to ever predict Bitcoin  🎉🥂🎁

🕰️Let's go back in time and unmask the other 5 men who predicted Bitcoin, decades before it was invented:






🧵Time for a thread unmasking 5 Bitcoin prophecies.🕰️🔮

⏳Let's begin our journey by going back in time to 1967.🕰️

🎩Meet Buckminster Fuller, a visionary architect and polymath, who saw the shape of things to come in the world of technology.

Predicting BTC 50 years ago is impressive, but there’s more…👀

Buckminster Fuller wrote over 30 books but was mostly focused on the ''digital accounting ledger'' he envisioned.👀

While his theories might seem otherworldly, wait till you meet the final person on our list. 🧙‍♂️⚡

But before that, we need to make a pit stop in 1921… 🚗💨

Enter the stage, Henry Ford. Yes, THAT Henry Ford, the inventor of the automobile.🚗

He envisioned a future that sounds strikingly familiar to what we are experiencing now… 🚀

In 1921 he predicted an energy-backed currency would be invented, and it could even end wars.☠

Ford was a visionary indeed, but he wasn't alone in his ability to predict the future of technology...

Here's where we shift gears to another influential figure, this time in the realm of economics.🔀🕶️

Frederich Hayek, Nobel Laureate in Economics, made this prediction in 1984.🤯

Is Bitcoin the ''sly roundabout way,'' that we FINALLY separate money from state?

Hayek could see something was brewing, something… inevitable.🌩️🏆

Hayek understood the 5000-year battle humanity has been engaged in, over who controls the money supply.💵

Known for the book, 'The Road to Serfdom,' Hayek had an uncanny knack for seeing what lay on the path ahead.

But guess what, he wasn’t the only economist on this list🛣️

Introducing Milton Friedman. 💥

In 1999, he dropped a hint so big, you’d think he'd time-traveled from 2023! ⏳

Friedman, famous for founding ‘monetarism’ in the age of Keynesianism, dreamt of a ‘reliable, anonymous, e-cash.’💸

Sound familiar? 🤔

One of the boldest predictions yet came in the form of a book written in 1997!📚

📖💡''The Sovereign Individual,'' released in 1997, predicted all of the following: 👇

The book also anticipated the rise of digital nomads, now one of the fastest-growing trends in the world.👩‍💻🌍

Their most interesting prediction was a monetary prediction...

They predicted in 1997 we would see a ''unique, anonymous, and verifiable cybercash, divisible into the tiniest fraction.''🤯

If we're handing out prizes for the most accurate predictions, The Sovereign Individual takes the cake!🍰

And their most controversial prediction?

They predicted we would see the demise of nation-states as we know them… because of technology. 🖥️💣

The control nations have over media today mirrors the Church's book-burning ability in the 16th century. 🔥

Is history repeating itself? 📚🔥

The authors of this book were true visionaries, but no one compares to the man who was writing about Bitcoin in the 1890s!🚨

Introducing, the greatest inventor of all time, Nikola Tesla! 💡

Nikola Tesla also invented, or predicted:

♨1882 AC air conditioner

💡1888 Electricity

🌐1981 The internet

🚗1987 Self-driving car

📲2007 Smartphone

⚡️2008 #Bitcoin   

In 1900 he envisioned an ''electricity-backed system would replace humans on battlefields.''

Not only did he foresee Bitcoin, but his theory of the universe has some intriguing ties to BTC… 🌌💫

Tesla dreamt of providing the world with free energy, believing it could end wars.

Doesn't that sound a bit like the Bitcoin ethos? ☮️⚡

In his own words, free and abundant energy would change everything. 🌍

🔫This parallels Jason Lowrey's 'Soft War' thesis.

Will Bitcoin lead us to Tesla's dream?

What can we learn about Satoshi Nakamoto from these 5 Bitcoin predictions?

Let's explore this deeper below..👇

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