There are many cryptocurrencies related to the field of artificial intelligence (AI), which aim to improve performance and provide a smarter solution in a variety of industries. These currencies are based on artificial intelligence technologies and aim to achieve multiple benefits. Here are some of the cryptocurrencies expected to be hugely successful:

1. ** (FET)**:

- It aims to empower everyone with artificial intelligence by providing a platform for interaction between things and data.

- Uses artificial intelligence to improve automation and improve performance in a variety of applications.

2. **The Graph (GRT)**:

- It works to provide an open and decentralized data structure to improve searching and querying data on the blockchain.

- Uses artificial intelligence to improve performance and analyze data.

3. **Numeraire (NMR)**:

- Artificial intelligence is used to improve trading strategies and analyze financial data.

- It aims to improve the performance of financial markets.

4. **Oasis Network (ROSE)**:

- Uses artificial intelligence to improve security and privacy on the blockchain.

- It aims to provide a secure and decentralized environment for data exchange.

It should be noted that AI-related cryptocurrencies are constantly evolving, and their authenticity and compatibility with your investment goals should always be researched and verified. 🚀