This market has verified people's hearts and witnessed human nature. The author's words are not gorgeous, but they are very sincere. Remember that profitable investors are a journey, not a destination. Try to trade better every day and get pleasure from your own progress.

 Recently, I have been busy with bands and medium- and long-term layouts. I have also sorted out a friend who has been following me recently. From the initial 50,000 oil, he followed me to do short-term and gradually accumulated to more than 100,000 oil. It was also the first time to try band layout, and the effect was relatively ideal. The big cake entered the market at around 57964 at 20:00 on the evening of May 1, and the Ethereum entered the market at 2916 synchronously. It was also today that the market rose to 63677 and left the market near 3100. The big cake band layout took 5713 points of space, and the Ethereum band layout took 184 points of space. This is the control of the market, the understanding of the trend, and the precise capture of this wave of gains. It also led the college that followed to achieve its goals. If you are still struggling in the market, then you might as well find Brother Hao and follow Brother Hao's real-time guidance. There is never a lack of miracles in this circle, why can't it be you and me.

From the current four-hour structure of the market price, the pressure position is obviously at the 64,000 integer mark. There is no real closing above the 64,000 mark. At best, it is a false break of the 64,000 mark. As the market price repeatedly hits the 64,000 mark but fails to form an effective break, it adjusts downward and corrects, which is what we often call stepping back to accumulate strength. At present, the market has entered a correction cycle. The market price has gradually increased its long and short positions. After repeatedly being under pressure from the 64,000 mark, it has increased its adjustments. However, each round of decline is accompanied by a large rebound. In other words, this adjustment is not so smooth. There is no lack of news intervention along the way, which gives bulls many opportunities to turn around. However, in the end, the rebound is ready to fall back and recover, and there are continuous low-breaking performances, and the rebound high point gradually moves down. Then I can think that the downward adjustment is still continuing, and the shorts are in an advantageous position. High altitude is still the focus of our short-term layout. Rebounds are all opportunities to short, and we actively follow up on shorts.

Bitcoin: 63800-64000 short, target 62000

Ethereum: 3155-3175 short, target 3000#BTC走势分析 #美联储何时降息? #5月市场关键事件 #Megadrop #美国4月失业率上升 $BTC