How much money does a person need to have to be the happiest? When you have 80,000 yuan in savings, even if you rent a house alone, as long as you don't have any thoughts about luxury goods, although the money in your hand may not seem much, there is absolutely no problem with basic living expenses.

You can play anywhere within 1,000 km around, and others can't control how you spend the 80,000 yuan in your pocket. At this time, you are free and unrestrained, and your life is easy and happy.

If you have 800,000 yuan in savings and are married with children, then you will definitely want a comfortable house and a good car at this time. Then use your 800,000 yuan savings to buy a lot of debts to enrich your social status and some superficial satisfaction.

Unconsciously, you have begun to become a consumable product of society. People who have debts and are married and have children are the most stable group in the world who contribute to society. From work to children, from school district housing to education, from salary to monthly repayments, you are now being manipulated by others in hundreds of ways.

If you have a balance of 8 million, and you still can't let go of your car and house, you will not be excused. Because Shilijiangwan, Tomson Yipin Ferrari Rolls-Royce, Ferrari limited edition Mercedes-Benz BMW Audi limited edition luxury goods and high-end entertainment venues, all of these will smile and wave at you.

At this time, your cognition has basically understood the truth of social operation, and you know that you are now just a higher-level consumable of cattle and horses in society.

Although you can reach the outermost of the higher-end circle at this time, and people at the bottom also respect you, but in front of higher-end hunters, you are still nothing, and the mere 8 million in your hand is not enough.

If you have a deposit of 80 million, you basically belong to the ranks of high-end hunters. At this time, the people at the bottom are only worthy of looking up to you, and you can even say tirelessly that people below 10 million are all ordinary people and nameless ants in your eyes.

Although you have now gotten rid of your status as a consumable in front of luxury goods, private customization and society, if you look up, in the eyes of the top hunters, you are still like a beast of burden, so your money is still not enough.

If you have 800 million in savings, there is no need to question it. At this time, you are already at the top of the entire food chain of the Eastern country. From the perspective of spending money, the whole society cannot control you. Whether it is a house or a car, or even your partner, you can change them at any time as you like.

These are like your own toys. You can go wherever you want in the big world, and the whole society is more like your playground.

But at this time you should be alert. The shallow water area of ​​the whole world's ocean belongs to your world. The shallow water area is also your last safety line, because the deep sea area a little further ahead is the bottomless abyss.

If you have 8 billion, and you have not stepped into the deep sea area from the shallow water area at this time, then this is the greatest peak and final destination that life can reach.

Ordinary people can't imagine what your life is like. In the shallow water area, everyone is happy to talk about your rumors. If you stop abruptly, retreat bravely, and no longer let desire push you forward, then you and your deeds will become a legend.

You also know very well that although the deep sea area under the sun is charming and dazzling, there live huge monsters in the bottomless sea that are not easily seen by the world. The huge monster in the dark will tremble a few times, and the entire shallow water area of ​​the sea will become a huge wave.

When you have 80 billion, there is no doubt that this is a field that ordinary people can never reach in their lifetime and can never touch. There are undercurrents here, and the surge can swallow everything at any time.

Although you are very fortunate to see those giants in the deep sea of ​​thousands of meters, you understand more that although you are in an ecosystem, these giants are not comparable to how much money you have, because their status comes from blood inheritance.

Thousands of people outside envy and want to work hard to become you, but in the eyes of the giants, you are just a consumable like cattle and horses. No matter whether you advance or retreat, the final result may cause you to hang on a thread and be crushed to pieces. To break this situation, you can only rely on waiting for the super tsunami caused by the submarine earthquake.

At this moment, you can't help but regret why you didn't retreat bravely and stop before stepping into the deep water. You also miss the ignorant days when you only had 80,000 in your hand but foolishly thought that owning 80,000 was equivalent to owning the whole world.
