"Inscription or Hades"

$ORDI Audi was downgraded to the inscription leader of Alto a few days ago. Does it have a future?

It must be said that the blogger made the last position at the average price of 35.

From the position analysis, the exchange and large accounts account for 91%. Although the large accounts are shipping, the exchange has basically not changed. Looking at the monthly trend, the large account positions have decreased, but the price of the currency is still rising, which shows that the impact is small and the bullish trend is mainly bullish.

Although Audi is a Chinese market, we need to think about it. A few days ago, oyx has launched the first currency of Audi ecology, and the trend is strong. Whether it is the position of the leader or the creation of the ecology, it tells us that we should focus on spot positions. Small currency contracts are enough. And the rebound in the past two days is very strong. You don’t have to look up when it rises and look down when it falls.

ordi currently has a strong pressure point of 42 above. It is currently in a sideways market. If it stands firm at 40 within ten hours, it can launch an attack. After breaking through, see if the support point 42 can be stable. Stability is the sea of ​​stars

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