What is the most important thing in contract trading?

It is not about making a lot of money or making money quickly, but living longer.

Before the third halving in May 2020, I started playing with contracts for the first time. At that time, 100x leverage was too low, and leverage had never been lower than 30x. At the beginning, I used the technical analysis I learned to chase the rise and fall. I earned 20 times in a week. I was full of confidence and added a month's salary. I was ready to play big. Then two days before the third halving on May 12, the market plummeted and all positions were liquidated in 15 minutes. My mind was blank at the time. After being beaten, I gradually reduced the leverage to single digits. The contract targets were also mainly concentrated on BTC and ETH. Reduce the number of opening positions and open positions based on trends, especially in the bull market. For example, after a big drop, open a low-multiple position and hold it like spot. In the end, the contracts that made money were basically these low-multiple positions. Earning about 10% each time may not seem much, but the power of compound interest is invincible. Coupled with the power of time, it is the way to get rich. For example, now the capital is 1000u, and the profit is 10% each time. On average, open a position every three days. There is still a year before this round of halving bull market. Everyone calculates how much money you can make after the bull market ends?