No struggle, no youth

Today is May 4, 2024, Saturday, March 26 of the lunar calendar, Youth Day

On May 4, 1919, there was such a movement, which is still influential today.

With advanced young intellectuals as the pioneers and the working class as the main force, it promoted the national rejuvenation and the development of the New Culture Movement. This is the May Fourth Youth Movement.

It is a great patriotic revolutionary movement and a great ideological liberation movement.

After the May Fourth Movement, the dignity of the Chinese nation, which had been humiliated and suppressed since the Opium War, began to awaken, giving birth to a political path suitable for China's development, communism with Chinese characteristics.

The youth force has risen since then. The leaders of the May Fourth Movement, Wen Yiduo, Qu Qiubai, Zhang Tailei, Chen Tanqiu, Gao Junyu, who were 23 years old at this time... have all become people who have a profound influence on the future of China.

"The country cannot be without youth for a day, and the youth cannot be without awakening for a day."

From here on, freedom, equality, patriotism, progress, democracy, and science have become the mainstream of consciousness.

In 1939, "May 4th" was officially named "Youth Day", which completed the inheritance of the spirit of youth in an eternal freeze-frame.

It reminds us that every era needs the power of youth. This is a patriotic spirit and a responsibility for the country.

Today, Duo Kaixin is also at the turning point of the great transformation of the economic wave. Young people must not forget their original aspirations and carry forward the past. Young people must also look up to the stars and be down-to-earth, so that vitality can create immortality and youth will never end.

Today, in the name of the festival, to youth and dreams. Just like the students, the youth is in the prime of life, youth has no regrets, and it blooms all the way!

Youth is not only a period of time, but also a state of mind. On May 4th Youth Day, I wish you a thousand sails, never forget your original aspirations, never stop, and always be in the prime of life.

I wish my young colleagues [rose][rose] a happy holiday [coffee][coffee]