There is no need to over-demonstrate your strength. The key is to get more people's recognition. On the road of investment, it is more important to do your best than to prove your strength to others. You will know whether it is a mule or a horse by taking it out for a walk.


I am an academician of the cryptocurrency circle and a warrior who has always been protecting the leeks. I wish my fans to achieve financial freedom in 2024. Let’s cheer together!

​2024.5.3 Litecoin (LTC) latest market analysis reference


Litecoin has certain advantages in transaction speed, stability, market acceptance and technological improvement. For long-term holders, Litecoin may be an investment option worth considering. However, investment still involves risks. Please evaluate and make decisions based on your personal situation and risk tolerance. After all, the suggestions given by the academicians in the currency circle are only for reference. Risks are borne by yourself.


First of all, I would like to tell you why I recommend that you can invest in Litecoin (LTC) in spot. What are the advantages?


Fast confirmation time: Transaction confirmation is fast, which improves usage efficiency.


Mature technology: Improved and optimized based on Bitcoin technology, it has a certain degree of stability.


Widely recognized: Litecoin has a high degree of popularity and recognition in the field of cryptocurrency. Litecoin has improved the scalability and security of the network through improvements and innovations in the field of technical cryptocurrency such as Segregated Witness and Lightning Network.


Decentralization: Litecoin adopts a decentralized governance model led by the Litecoin core team, which is more democratic and transparent than centralized management. Coin holders can participate in decision-making, increasing the decentralization of the network.


Mining algorithm: Using different mining algorithms is relatively fairer.


Strong adaptability: can adapt to different application scenarios and needs.


Technical aspects:


Litecoin is one of the mainstream coins that has recovered the fastest after this round of currency circle liquidation. It has pulled back from the lowest level of 70.53 and broke through the 88 US dollar mark. Although it has rebounded, the trend shows the intention of Litecoin in this round of bull market. After all, it has not really started to exert its strength yet, and the main force also wants to make a fortune.


Let's look at the daily K-line. After breaking the EMA trend indicator, it has been consolidating at the EMA180 position for three consecutive days. That is to say, it started to accumulate funds at the 80 US dollar mark, and it is possible to stretch at any time. After breaking the 75 US dollar mark on April 13, I notified some students to invest in Litecoin. The day before yesterday, it broke below 75 on May 1st. Some people couldn't help asking the academicians in the currency circle whether to run and wait for opportunities to enter. I still said that after breaking below 75, it is an opportunity and you can continue to hold it for the long term. Although the current space is only 5 US dollars, KDJ has begun to close, MACD has shrunk, DIF and DEA bottom divergence has formed, and Bollinger Bands have also begun to close. The overall trend is bullish and the bottom space is limited. You can hold it with confidence.


The weekly line was blocked above 113 and a double top and a double bottom appeared at the bottom, which is still valid. The EMA trend indicator began to close, and the KDJ spread downward and was blocked by the support near the trend indicator 60. MACD was consolidating above 80 in a large downward volume. It can be seen that the space below is limited. Friends who have not boarded the train can wait for Litecoin to fall below 75 to find an opportunity to board the train. The Bollinger Bands opened upward, and the K line consolidated near the middle track again. Pay attention to the changes in the market data between 65 and 75 below.


Last year, during the National Day holiday, I arranged for spot trading near 66. I sold half of my position after the market broke 110. I bought more after the market fell below 75 on April 8. The purpose was to wait for Litecoin to break 100 again and then sell half of my position again. The purpose is obvious. Litecoin is likely to break 114 and then hit a new high. I will leave the market in the range of 150 to 180. Only those who can endure loneliness can keep prosperity. Let's hold on together and wait and see.


The specific operation is based on the real-time data of the market. For more information and details, please contact the author. There is a delay in the release of the article. The suggestions are for reference only and the risks are borne by the user.

$LTC #莱特币 #LTC📈 #LTC.智能策略库🥇🥇