The currency circle has already happened😍2024.5.3

Individual currency analysis, wealth code, long and short ambush points...

BTC 4-hour K-line cycle:

Support level: 55696~56565 range

Pressure level: 59769~61106 range

Strong pressure level: 63516~64784 range

ETH 4-hour K-line cycle:

Support level: 2801~2885 range

Pressure level: 3004~3085 range

After the MACD air leak on April 24, the price of the big cake daily K-line cycle fell from 67100 to around 56500, and the weekly drop reached more than 10,000 points. The current pattern has not been repaired, and the risk of a sharp decline still exists. The weekly K-line Bollinger middle track is a strong support level near 55520. As long as it is not broken, you can catch a rebound!

The above analysis is for your reference only!

Follow the financial Jinjun😍The currency circle is no longer lost