

I don't want to upset you, but today unexpectedly arrived several very important and contradictory news, which can definitely affect the further movement of Bitcoin. Following this news, BTC has recovered after falling to $56.5k and is holding around $59,000. This is a very important level that should not be broken up and consolidated above so that the downward trend continues to work.

First of all, the news concerning Hong Kong ETFs. It turned out that Hong Kong crypto-ETFs attracted $292 million on the first day of trading, not $12 million. This is confirmed information. The reason for the discrepancy is that the assets that were invested as initial capital right before the launch were not counted as volume. This is definitely a good driver for BTC growth. But it's still too little...

The second piece of news in support of Bitcoin is that transaction fees on the Bitcoin network have decreased and are now coming to normal. The reason is that the hype around the #Runes protocol is subsiding. Because of which in April Bitcoin updated the historical maximum in the number of transactions per day. This is also a good driver for Bitcoin's growth in the long term, but it is still not enough to break the downward trend....

Bottom line: I think that the current Bitcoin growth is just a local rebound and Bitcoin will still go down to at least $53,000. This news is not enough to change Bitcoin's trajectory in the near future, but it may be enough to start the liquidity overflow into altcoins and create growth drivers for the altcoin season. To be honest, I get too many messages with questions in the comments about where to invest money, which altcoin to choose and how to live further, I will answer briefly - read carefully what I write, so as not to ask me again later. I don't have time to answer all comments even considering the fact that I use an algorithm for this purpose. Appreciate your time my little friends and be patient, this May promises to be interesting...

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