The altcoins with a high probability of independent market trends in the near future are as follows: (at least three items are met at the same time)

1: The big cake and the second cake are sideways, and the coins that have slightly increased

2: The big cake and the second cake are slightly increased, and the coins that have skyrocketed

3: The big cake and the second cake are slightly decreased, and the coins that have sideways

4: The big cake and the second cake break the previous low, but the coins that do not break the previous low

The core of this week's operation:

Reduce positions of big cake and the second cake when they are high; buy at the bottom when they are low, and the altcoins only take the leading ones; focus on meme gamefi artificial intelligence

The core of this month's operation:

Hold the chips well and don't cut your losses, seize the opportunity to buy at the bottom again! Close the contract and stop leverage;