In the cryptocurrency circle, I have witnessed the ups and downs of many people. Some people have become multimillionaires from grassroots, while others have fallen from a billionaire to the bottom. Those who blindly follow the trend and invest only based on their feelings often become the objects of harvesting.

Especially some people who are new to the cryptocurrency circle, they are full of speculative psychology, blindly buying various altcoins and air coins at high positions, and often suffer heavy losses. They don't want to sell when they make money, and they don't want to cut their losses when they fall. This mentality has put many people in trouble.

There is an example around me. A friend wanted to make money quickly in the cryptocurrency circle because of the epidemic. He played with contracts, but eventually his position was blown up and he even sold his house. Now every time he asks me to borrow money, it is a small amount. I advise him to work hard and start over, but he can't listen anymore. This case made me understand that contracts are like gambling. There is no possibility of long-term stable wealth. We should cherish life and stay away from contracts.

And those who make a lot of money in the cryptocurrency circle often have some common characteristics. They are not greedy. They stop when they make money and use the money to buy real estate and other assets, thus realizing the preservation and appreciation of wealth. There are also some people who focus on arbitrage operations in the currency circle, conduct in-depth research on projects, and hold a large number of blue-chip varieties, such as BTC and ETH. They have obtained very good returns by forming LPs to earn fees for liquidity, airdrops, and whitelists.

These people have experienced the cycle of the currency circle. They know how to grasp the cycle, how to manage positions, and how to maintain a good mentality. Those who only want to make a hundred times or a thousand times are often the most likely to be harvested.

In the currency circle, the importance of principal is self-evident. We need to have a sense of risk, the ability to manage positions, and a good mentality. Only in this way can we gain a foothold in this market full of variables.

Even if you only have a principal of 50,000 or 100,000 now, as long as you can grasp the cycle and plan your investment reasonably, it is entirely possible to achieve a ten-million-level appreciation of assets within two cycles.

I sincerely hope that every coin friend can double the principal and continuously increase the value of assets. In 2025, we will usher in a magnificent bull market. By then, BTC may reach 1-2 million RMB, and ETH will be above 100,000 RMB.Let's work together to welcome that beautiful future!

If you feel helpless and confused in trading at the moment, and want to learn more about the relevant knowledge and first-hand cutting-edge information of the cryptocurrency circle, click on the avatar to find me. Welcome to like, collect, forward, comment, and leave a message

#5月市场关键事件 #市场目前触底了吗?你是否在抄底了?