
Is now the best time to rest for you?

Have you ever wondered what brought you to this market? In addition to the Crypto market, there are many other financial markets such as Real Estate, Stocks, Gold, Forex,... so why do you like this Crypto market? Because of the inspirational stories of buying $10 btc and then keeping it for 10 years and then waking up to become a millionaire, or the story of last year buying a few odd USD with a few meme coins and then keeping it, the next year the world had another millionaire, Or some people can multiply their assets by 100x or 1000x in just a few days. Inspirational stories are always available in every field, however people often remember the things they like and the brain often tends to forget the pain. How many people know that after FTX went bankrupt, how many people had to find a way to die and how many families were separated. Then behind those KILL LONG - KILL SHORT trees are many buried assets and hopes.

There are people who use the financial leverage of the house they live in to buy crypto - 40% -50% profit but can't keep it, so after adjusting the account, the account goes negative and then gives birth to a trading mentality. panic.

So what should you do when the market is not adjusting as expected? Isn't this the time we need to slow down and rest? If you play FUTURE, you have to use STOPLOSE. If you play SPOT, take a break and go staking. Even though you won't earn much, at least it helps you relax your mind. Reward yourself with some rest time, don't force yourself to watch CHART every 1-2 hours or watch the market go up or down, how is your account?? - Back to the question why did you come to this market??? For me it's about improving the quality of life by creating more assets? So why is it so STRESS when your account is negative? Is your quality of life going up or down? Let's ignore a few small waves to think about a bigger wave waiting. BTC is the future!

Wishing you successful trading.đŸ€‘