$PENDLE - chart analysis:

🔷The daily view is showing trend reversal! 📉

Usually when the LS and prices are crossing the T/K + clouds like this, it means that the bearish move will continue 🚨

Local support around 4.00 $ - 4.050 $

For potential bearish retest zone: 50% fib resistance around 4.900$

🔷Regarding the mid term view, we can expect a deeper correction toward the 3.200$ support; especially if the price of $BTC falls, as I saw in my previous analysis🚨📉

-On the last chart, the daily uptrend will also probably act as strong support.

-See a possible setup in my H4 chart.📊


-The short term volatility is very high❗️

-I recommend you to book your profits quickly❗️

-Buy low, sell high!

#fomc #pendle #JBVIP🎯 #ScamRiskWarning