
#pi to PKR


PI to PKR Chart

Pi Network (PI) is worth ₨11,592.58 today, which is a 0.5% decline from an hour ago and a 3.2% decline since yesterday. The value of PI today is 8.1% lower compared to its value 7 days ago. In the last 24 hours, the total volume of Pi Network traded was ₨166,423,985.

7-day price history of Pi Network (PI) to PKR

The daily exchange rate of Pi Network (PI) to PKR fluctuated between a high of ₨12,186.83 on Wednesday and a low of ₨11,112.23 on Sunday in the last 7 days. Within the week, the price of PI in PKR had the largest 24-hour price movement on Monday (1 days ago) by ₨547.14 (4.9%).

Compare the daily prices of Pi Network (PI) in PKR and their 24-hour price movements for the week.

DateDay of the week1 PI to PKR24hr ChangesChange %April 30, 2024Tuesday₨11,552.41-₨426.863.6%April 29, 2024Monday₨11,659.37₨547.144.9%April 28, 2024Sunday₨11,112.23-₨506.554.4%April 27, 2024Saturday₨11,618.77₨28.030.2%April 26, 2024Friday₨11,590.74-₨272.022.3%April 25, 2024Thursday₨11,862.76-₨324.072.7%April 24, 2024Wednesday₨12,186.83-₨110.98