Investing in cryptocurrency can feel like a daunting endeavor for a newbie. The crypto market is volatile and fast-moving, making it difficult for beginners to know where or how to begin investing in crypto assets.

Fortunately, there are countless investing strategies and methodologies to choose from. It’s important to find one that aligns with your general risk tolerance, as well as your overall investment goals.

Below, we’ll explore four possible crypto investing strategies for first-timers to consider, including some that are borrowed from other money-related industries.

Dollar-Cost Averaging

Dollar-cost averaging is a straightforward yet effective strategy for long-term cryptocurrency investing. With DCA, investors allocate a fixed amount of money to invest in crypto at regular intervals, regardless of market conditions. By purchasing assets at different price points over time, DCA helps smooth out market volatility and reduce the risk of buying in at the wrong time. This strategy is particularly suitable for beginners looking to build a diversified portfolio gradually.

Dollar-cost averaging offers several advantages, including simplicity, discipline, and risk mitigation. Since investors buy crypto assets at regular intervals, they avoid the need to time the market and can benefit from both market downturns and upswings. Additionally, DCA instils discipline by encouraging consistent investing behavior, regardless of short-term market fluctuations.

Buy and Hold (HODL)

Buy and hold, or HODLing, is a passive investment strategy that’s preferred by many long-term cryptocurrency investors. Instead of actively trading or attempting to time the market, HODLers purchase crypto assets with the intention of holding them for an extended period, often years or even decades.

By taking a long-term perspective, HODLers aim to capitalize on the potential long-term growth potential of the crypto markets, ignoring short-term price volatility. It’s not uncommon for assets to fall 10% or more in a quick timeframe. This process offers multiple benefits, including simplicity, long-term growth potential, and reduced trading fees. It’s a hands-off approach to investing, limiting the stress and anxiety involved with short-term crypto trading.

Martingale System

The Martingale system is a popular strategy among bettors, used in classic casino games like blackjack and roulette. It’s usually reserved for even-money wagers on the roulette wheel. In classic roulette games, known as single-zero games, the even-money wagers cover the red/black and odd/even bets. Thanks to the green zero pocket, there’s not quite a 50% chance of winning, but it offers a better probability than those who bet even-money wagers on American roulette, which also features a green double-zero pocket. This is one of the fastest-growing alternatives to what’s known as European roulette.

With the Martingale strategy, roulette players usually double their stake after every losing even-money wager. In theory, if the next spin wins, they recoup their losses and win one unit of profit. In the context of crypto investing, the Martingale system would also involve doubling your investment after each losing trade. You’d require a 1:1 risk-reward ratio, ensuring you have strict take-profit and stop-loss orders in the market.

Portfolio Rebalancing

Portfolio rebalancing is a proactive strategy to crypto investing which involves periodically adjusting the allocation of assets in your crypto portfolio to maintain your desired risk-reward profile. By regularly reviewing and rebalancing your portfolio, you can ensure that your investments remain aligned with your long-term financial goals and risk tolerance.

This strategy may involve selling overperforming assets to realize profits and reinvesting in underperforming assets to capitalize on potential future gains. By mastering portfolio rebalancing, you’ll have exceptional risk management of your investments, as well as strong asset diversification. You can mitigate overexposure to any single crypto asset, reducing the potential impact of market downturns on your overall investment portfolio.

There are various strategies for beginners to consider when entering the cryptocurrency market. Whether you choose to dollar-cost average, buy and hold, engage with the Martingale system or focus on consistent portfolio rebalancing, it’s always best to do your due diligence upfront. Seek advice from experienced crypto investors and, most importantly, only invest what you can afford to lose. When you’re investing funds you can afford to lose, it removes the emotion from your investments, allowing you to think clearly about the right crypto assets to buy and sell.