If you have 1 million in the cryptocurrency circle, how to ensure safety, stability and maximize profits

There are many staking projects that now have an annualized return of more than 25%. USDT is now placed in the exchange at about 10%.

You can earn about 1% each time you buy new shares on Binance. So it is about 10,000 each time.

3 times a month, that is 30,000.

There are still risks if you pledge at ordinary times, try to find something more stable.

It is recommended to allocate like this, take 70% to store Bitcoin, 20% to store Ethereum

, and 10% to empty. Eat the dividends of Bitcoin's bull market rise, if you want to buy new shares, it's okay.

Pledge Bitcoin Ethereum to borrow BNB and you can borrow 70%. Go to participate in activities, that is 630,000, earn 2%, 6% a month, then 37,000 a month. Basically, Bitcoin may rise this year, and then arbitrage can make 200,000-300,000.

If you are empty at ordinary times, you can arbitrage.







These projects are all good

#ETH #香港加密货币ETF